+ RIFTS RPG ACTUAL GAMEPLAY EPISODES in media player as GM does world building on ROLL/20 VTT for next session! Come Help! (GRAPHIC) 21+ ONLY! Odinkush, September 13, 2024September 13, 2024, Streaming, 0
+ Continuing construction of our PRISM OF KETERFALL campaign for this week’s session! Episodes running in the background. Let’s build a world! Odinkush, July 17, 2023July 17, 2023, Streaming, 0
+ NEW DLC LIVE! TO ARMS MY BATTLE BROTHERS! For the Emperor! Witness our titanic Dreadnought hunt down our final three REAPERS! Chaos Falls! Odinkush, January 16, 2023January 16, 2023, Streaming, 0
+ Continuing construction of our PRISM OF KETERFALL campaign for this week’s session! Episodes running in the background. Let’s build a world! Odinkush, September 11, 2023September 11, 2023, Streaming, 0
+ Expansion Launch W Drops! Pops W SpecialSecret Thoughts N Sweaty FlopSauce! Let’s Roast A Scooby Box W Moon Dots So Yer Rocks’ll Drop Off! Odinkush, June 22, 2024June 22, 2024, Streaming, 0
+ Sunday Space Ace! Starfield story progression and leveling up. TimyTheTermite, September 17, 2023September 17, 2023, Streaming, 0